Cesar Solano

An all-time math lover who carries the passion for learning, algorithms, and problem-solving to the software industry, developing efficient and elegant applications.


CoolTracker is a general workout tracker application with great features inspired by Instagram and Twitter. Users can create workouts, add exercises, and review their past activities to track their progression. They can also interact with other users by following them, directly messaging them, and commenting on or liking their workouts.


InstaOunce is a group-developed clone web application based on Instagram. Registered users can create posts, follow other users, and like and comment on posts to create an Instagram-like experience.


Full-Stack Software Engineer
React | Redux | Python | Node.js | Express | Sequelize | PostgreSQL | SQLAlchemy | C++ | Git
Javascript | HTML | CSS


Expert in developing responsive, dynamic, and fully-stylish web applications. Mastering tools like React, Redux, Javascript, HTML 5 & CSS 3.


Possesses solid mathematical knowledge and expertise in algorithms, along with proficiency in backend technologies such as Python, Express (Node.js), Sequelize, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and cloud services like AWS. Demonstrated ability to develop scalable and efficient backend solutions.

Programming Logic

Solving multiple data structure and algorithm problems daily and learning different coding languages in a short amount of time constantly improve my knowledge. This helps me stay up to date in the software industry.

Work Remotely

Over two years of remote work experience and pair programming, with a solid understanding of Git technology and platforms such as Jira, Bitbucket, Slack, Zoom, and GitHub.

Interpersonal Communication

Passionate about other people's ideas, opinions, and feelings. I am an excellent communicator and listener. Being bilingual (English and Spanish) and living in multiple countries have made me respectful, aware, and knowledgeable about different cultures.

Reliable Employee

Averaging over five years per job, consistently demonstrating pride in work, understanding duties, and taking the initiative to improve any work area have contributed to being an outstanding employee and maintaining excellent relationships with all past employers.

Get in touch

I would gladly talk about any topic of your interest.