Technologies used: React, Redux, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Docker, Javascript, HTML 5 & CSS 3.
InstaOunce is a group-developed Clone Web Application based on Instagram. Registered users can create posts, follow other users, and like and comment on their posts to create an Instagram-like experience.
- A client can try the application with a Demo User Logging.
- A client can create a User from the '/signup' page.
- An existing User can log in.
- A logged-in User can navigate through the page and access other features the application provides.
- (C) Users can post images with a description.
- (R) Users can see images posted by them and other users.
- (U) Users can edit their Images posts.
- (D) Users can delete their Images posts.
- (C) Users can post comments on Images.
- (R) Users can see comments posted by them and other users.
- (U) Users can edit their comments.
- (D) Users can delete their comments.
- (C) Users can like Images.
- (R) Users can see how many likes the Images have.
- (D) Users can remove their likes from the Images.
- (C) Users can follow other users.
- (R) Users can see the followers and following of each User.
- (D) Users can unfollow users they already followed.